Frequently Asked Questions - System Administrator

Frequently Asked Questions - System Administrator

 Access Request

How can I approve SPA User access request for Cummins external employees?

To approve the access request for Cummins external employees, perform below steps: -
1. Open SPA application by navigating through the link
2.  Click on the Admin Page icon under the dropdown at the very right corner of the TNF dashboard.

3. Click on the User tab under the Administrator Page. 


This will open a new window showing all the users available for the application.

4.  Select the user for which request approval is pending and click on the Grant Access button.

This will send an email to the user that his/ her request has been approved.

How can I approve SPA User access request for Cummins internal employees?

System Administrator will have to go to WWIMS to approve the access request for Cummins internal employees. 

How can I reject User access request for the SPA application?

To approve the access request by the user, perform below steps: -

1. Open SPA application by navigating through the link
2. Click on the Admin Page icon under the dropdown at the very right corner of the TNF dashboard.

3. Click on the User tab under the Administrator Page.

4. Select the user for which request approval is pending and then click on the Deny button.

              This will send an email to the user that his/ her request has been rejected.

Admin Page

How can I setup the threshold values for TNF% Target, TNF% Warning, TNF Rate and TNF Count?

To setup the threshold values, perform below steps: -

  1.  Click on the Admin Page icon under the dropdown at the very right corner of the TNF dashboard.

2. Click on the Threshold tab under the Administrator Page.

3. Fill the values for the thresholds.

4. Click on Set new Values button.

How can I enable/ disable email notifications for me as well as others?

To enable/ disable email notifications, perform below steps: -

1. Click on the Admin Page icon under the dropdown at the very right corner of the TNF dashboard.

2. Click on the User tab under the Administrator Page.

3. Click on the Notification buttons.     


What is the significance of Active Users?

The Active Users is calculated as –

Where, Total Users are all the users who have been registered for SPA application.

And Active Users are those users who logged in to the SPA application at least once in the last 30 days period.

Where can I see the number of Active Users for SPA application?

The Users tab under the Administrator Page shows the number of Active users.

How can I take export of User report?

To take export of user report, Click on the User tab under the Administrator Page.

Then, click on the Export User Report button.

The user report will be exported in the form of an excel sheet.

How can I create rules for Claim exception?

To create Claim exception rules, perform below steps: -

         1.     Open SPA application by navigating through the link

         2.     Click on the Admin Page icon under the dropdown at the very right corner of the TNF dashboard.


        3.     Click on the Exceptions tab and then click on the + Add Rule button.

This will open a new window for creating new rule.

       4.    Add all the required fields (Title, Description, Status) and add rule (Fail Date, Fail Code, Fault Code, Fault Code, SMN) and then click on Submit Query

How can I create manual mapping for AE – SP mapping?

To create manual mapping, perform below steps:-

        1.     Open SPA application by navigating through the link

        2.     Click on the Admin Page icon under the dropdown at the very right corner of the TNF dashboard.

  3.     Click on the SP Mapping tab.

 This will open a new window showing 3 tabs SPA Users, Service Providers and Audit Trail.

  4.    To add mapping for an Account Executive, use tab SPA Users. Select an Account Executive and click on Edit button.

This will open a new window showing all the Service Providers mapped with that particular Account Executive.

       5.    To add new Service Providers, click on + Add Mapping button.
       6.     Add all the required details and click on the Save Mapping button.

How can I generate BOB and WOW report?

To generate BOB and WOW report, perform below steps:-

        1.    Open SPA application by navigating through the link

        2.    Click on the Admin Page icon under the dropdown at the very right corner of the TNF dashboard.      

              3.     Click on Reports tab.

SPA Feedback

How can I acknowledge one or more feedback?

To acknowledge one feedback, perform below steps: -

1. Click on the Visualize Feedback button on the TNF dashboard.

2. Select one feedback.
3.  Click on Acknowledge button.

To acknowledge more than one feedback at a time, select more than one feedback and then click on Acknowledge Selected button.

To acknowledge all feedback at once, select all feedback and then click on Acknowledge All button.

How can I clear acknowledgement of one or more feedback?

To clear the acknowledgement of one feedback, select one feedback which has been already acknowledged. Then, click on Clear Acknowledgement button.

To clear the acknowledgement of more than one feedback, select two or more feedback which has been already acknowledged and then, click on Clear Selected Acknowledgements button.

To clear the acknowledgement of all feedback at once, select all feedback and then click on Clear All Acknowledgements button.

How can I take export of all the submitted feedback?

To take the export of all submitted feedback, first click on the Visualize Feedback button on the TNF dashboard.

Then, click on the Export Feedback button.

What is the significance of Submitters?

Submitters signifies the number of distinct users who have submitted the feedback at least once in a month. This will also help the SPA system administrators to determine the number of Active Users.

How can I check the number of submitters who have submitted the feedback?

You can see the number of submitters at the right corner of the SPAT Feedback Results window.

Thingworx Composer Support

How can I add/ change Service Provider Code for a Dealer or Distributor?

To change Service Provider Code for a Dealer or Distributor user, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Open SPA Thingworx Composer by navigating through the link

 2.   Go to Search bar and search for the user.

 This will open a new window for the searched user.

3. Click on User Extension tab.


 4.     Change the Service Provider Code for the user and then click on Save button.


How can I setup/change role for a particular User?

The Thingworx Platform Administrator can change role for a user. They can also add/ remove a role to/ from a user profile. They can setup the role using following steps:-

      1.     Open SPA Thingworx Composer by navigating through the link

2.     Since all the users and user roles must belong to a group. Click on Browse and then click on User Groups under Security tab.

      3.     Search for groups using command ‘*group’ and then click on the required group for which you want to add or remove user.

This will open a new window for that user group.

       4.     Click on Members tab and then click on Edit button.

      This will again open a new window where there will be 2 sections – One showing all the available members and the other showing all the members who belong to that particular group.

      5.     To change the role of a user

a.     To add more members to the group, select all the members and then click on the right arrow and then click on the Save button.

                    b.     To remove members from the group, select all the members and then click on the Remove button and then click on the Save button.

How can I add WWSPS report for AE – SP mapping?

To add WWSPS report, first the Thingworx Platform Administrator needs to download the report from WWSPS. To download the Staff report from WWSPS, please follow below steps:-

         1.     Go to WWSPS Portal by navigating through the link

         2.     Click login, enter credentials, and click the Cummins Employee (WWID) Login

         3.     Click Reports in the top right corner.

         4.     Fill in the General Query Report parameter using following parameters:-

a.     Business Entity = Engine

b.     Region = US and Canada

                                                    i.     For North America and Canada, the following need to be checked:

1.     02680 – CSSNA-Pacific Region

2.     02850 – CSSNA-East Region

3.     02860 – CSSNA-Rocky Mountain Region

4.     02930 – CSSNA-South Region

5.     03520 – CSSNA-Central Region

6.     56270 – Cummins Western Canada-Surrey

7.     56330 – Cummins Eastern Canada LP-Pointe-Claire

c.     Profile Status = Active

d.     Service Provider Training Status = No Selection

e.     Last Modified Date = No Selection

f.       Address Details = No Selection

g.     Entity Details = No Selection There are two options for this route:

                                                    i.     Under Entity Details, check the following:

1.     DEALER



                                                   ii.     Do not Check anything. A few extra records will be pulled which should not negatively impact the report.

h.     Product Details = No Selection

       5.     Generate the report by clicking Staff Report and wait. The file will be automatically download.


To upload the generated report, please follow below steps:-

        1.     Open SPA Thingworx Composer by navigating through the link

  2.     Go to Manage and then click on TNF_StaffReport_FileRepo.


This will open a new window where there will be 2 sections.

3.     In the left section, click on triple dots (…) under Actions and then click on Upload.

       4.     Click the Browse button and upload the generated Staff Report.

        5.     Go to Search bar and search for TNF_TnfSummary_Connector.

       By clicking on the TNF_TnfSummary_Connector, this will open a new window.

       6.     Click on the Services tab and then execute the CopyStaffReport by clicking the Execute button.


How can I setup/ change configuration for a User?

To setup/change configuration for a user, please follow below steps:-

        1.     Open SPA Thingworx Composer by navigating through the link

         2.     Go to Search bar and search for the user.


   This will open a new window for the searched user.

          3.     Click on User Extension tab.

  4.     Change the required attributes for the user and then click on Save button.

How can I setup/change role for a particular User for Ask Clessie Management Interface?

The Thingworx Platform Administrator can change role for a user. They can also add/ remove a role to/ from a user profile. They can setup the role using following steps:-

       1.     Open Thingworx Composer by navigating through the link

       2.     Since all the users and user roles must belong to a group. Click on Browse and then click on User Groups under Security tab.


         3.     Search for available roles using command ‘CB*role and then click on the required role for which you want to add or remove user.

   This will open a new window for that role.

         4.     Click on Members tab and then click on Edit button.

   This will again open a new window where there will be 2 sections – One showing all the available members and the other showing all the members who     belong to that particular group.

        5.     To change the role of a user

a.     To add more members to the group, select all the members and then click on the right arrow and then click on the Save button.

                   b.     To remove members from the group, select all the members and then click on the Remove button and then click on the Save button.

How can I create new user for Ask Clessie Management Interface?

The Thingworx Platform Administrator can create a new user for Ask Clessie Management Interface. To create a new user, please follow below steps:-

         1.     Open Thingworx Composer by navigating through the link

         2.     Click on + icon and search for User and select User.


This will open a new tab for User.

      3.     Fill the user’s WWID in form of under Name attributes and choose PTCDefaultProject under Project attributes.


          4.     Click on Save button.


          5.  Then, to give access to the new user,  follow How can I setup/ change role for a particular user for Ask Clessie Management Interface?

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