Frequently Asked Questions - Service Providers

Frequently Asked Questions - Service Providers

Access Request

How do I request access for SPA application?

If you belong to Distributor and you are Cummins internal employee, please follow below steps: -

  1.  Login to WWIMS using the URL
  2.  Go to Access Request.

      3. Search for ‘SPA’ or ‘Service Provider Assessment’ in the search bar.

4. Click on Add To Cart button.

5.   Select the Application Roles for which you want the access.
6.  Fill Role Justification and then click on Add Role button and then fill Request Justification click on Continue.

7. Click on the Submit button.

You will receive an email consisting of the Request ID for your access request.

In case your Manager or the Application owner rejects your request, you will still receive an email with the message that your request has been rejected. Then, you can submit another request.

Once your Manager and the Application owner approves your access request, you will again receive an email that your access request has been completed.

Then. Go to . You will land on login page of the SPA application page.

Click on Sign In as Cummins User button.

You will be logged into the application as per the access.

In the case the System Administrator or Manager rejects your access request, you will receive an email that your request has been rejected and will be asked to submit another request.

If you belong to a Dealer and you are Cummins External employee, please follow below steps: -

  1. Login to Guidanz Evolution.
  2. Click on the link ‘TNF Dashboard’.

You will land on Access Request page of the SPA application page.

 3. Fill all the required details and click on submit button.

Once the request has been submitted. You will receive an email that the request has been sent successfully.

Once the Approver accepts the request, you will receive a confirmation email that your access request has been approved. Then, again Login to Guidanz Evolution and click on the link TNF Dashboard. This will land you on the login page of SPA application.

4. Click on Sign In as Non Cummins User button.

You will be logged into the application as per the access.

In the case the System Administrator rejects your access request, you will receive an email that your request has been rejected and will be asked to submit another request.

Service Provider Dashboard

What is TNF%?

TNF% is the calculated as –

TNF% = (Total TNF count whose fail date lies within the date range)/(Total Inspection count whose fail date lies within the date range)

What is the significance of TNFs line chart of Service Provider dashboard?

TNFs Line chart shows the 3-months running TNF average for the last 12 months. The chart must also include a horizontal line representing the TARGET TNF %.

This TNF Line chart helps you to analyze the TNF trend for the selected period for that Service Provider.

What is the significance of Parts analyzed Vs TNFs bar chart on Service Provider dashboard?

Parts analyzed Vs TNFs bar chart shows the number of parts analyzed Vs the number of TNFs identified out of those parts analyzed for six major fail codes. This bar chart helps you to identify the area of focus that which fail codes has more TNFs which leads to overall increased TNFs. This bar chart helps you to take right decision in appropriate direction.

What is the significance of TNFs Comparison line chart on the Service Provider dashboard?

TNFs Comparison line chart on the Service Provider dashboard also shows the 3 month running TNF average for last 12 months. There are 3 lines on this line chart –

  1. TNF Vs Service Provider – summarizes TNFs w.r.t Service Providers.
  2. TNF Vs Region - summarizes TNFs w.r.t Region.
  3. TNF Vs Overall Channel Partner – summarizes TNF w.r.t overall channel which includes both dealers and distributors.

How can I change status for a particular claim?

You can change the status of a particular claim by performing below steps: -

1. Open the claim by clicking on the view button.

It opens a new window to show the Claim audit trail report.

2. Choose the appropriate status from the dropdown and then click on Set Status button.

How can I see all the PIPs/ tasks created for me?

To see all the TAPs/ tasks created, click on the tab 'TNF Action Plan’ on the dashboard.

This will open a new window showing all the tasks created for you.

How can I view a task in detail created for me?

To view a task in detail, click on the Task ID which you want to view.

This will open the window View TNF Action Plan where you can see all the details.

How can I filter the list of TNF Action Plans?

You can filter the list of TNF Action Plans by many ways-

·            To filter by date range, select the appropriate date range.

·            To filter by the quick filters, select the appropriate quick filter.


·            To filter by the status, select the appropriate status.


How to export PIPs?

To take the export of the list of TNF Action Plans, First click on the tab TNF Action Plan on the service Provider dashboard. Then, click on the Export PIPs button.

The list of all the tasks will be exported in PDF format.

How to export Service Provider dashboard?

To take the export of summarized Service Provider dashboard, click on the Export PDF button on the Service Provider dashboard.

It will open a new window where you can configure the settings to make the PDF document visually more attractive.

For Destination, choose Save as PDF and then select Background graphics and deselect Header and footers and then click on Save button.

The dashboard will get exported in PDF format.

SPA Feedback

How can I submit the feedback?

·             To submit the feedback, perform below steps: -

         1. Click on the Give Feedback button on the Service Provider dashboard.


2. Give the rating between 1 to 10.
3. Write brief description of your experience. (Optional)

4. Click on the Submit button.

To reset your feedback, click on Reset button and then perform steps 2, 3 and 4.


User Profile


How can I complain if summarized TNF data on the Service Provider dashboard is wrong?

How can I complain if my grade or bucket class is wrong?

How can I complain if a particular feature is not working for the SPA application?

How can I submit another access request if my previous request has been denied?

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