Ask Clessie Management Interface - User Help Guide

Ask Clessie Management Interface - User Help Guide

Infant Care Sessions Dashboard

Infant Care Sessions Dashboard shows the summarized data for all the chatbot sessions that occurred for a particular selected period. To see the summarized chatbot sessions data, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Open Ask Clessie Management Interface application using link

      2.     Select ‘Date Range’. 


Instead of Date range filter, the user can also use quick filters ‘Today’, ‘Current Month’, ‘Last Month’, ‘Last Quarter’ or ‘Last 12 Months’ to filter the Chatbot sessions data.

To use quick filters, Open Ask Clessie Management Interface application ->Select Quick Filter

Geographical Distribution

The bar chart shows the number of Chatbot sessions occurred for every sub-region in North America and Canada region. This includes 4 sub regions – Canada, Western US, Northern US and Southern US.

Session Chart

The pie chart shows the number of chatbot sessions ‘Completed’, the number of chatbot sessions ‘Skipped’ and the number of chatbot sessions ‘In Progress’.

Sessions by Fault Code/ Symptom

The bar chart shows the number of chatbot sessions occurred for each Fault Code or Symptom. This bar chart shows only top 6 Fault Codes/ Symptoms for which maximum chatbot sessions occurred. But the user can select a dashboard parameter to see other Fault Codes/ Symptoms as well for which less number of chatbot sessions occurred.

Chatbot Sessions List

The list shows all the Chatbot sessions that occurred for the selected user defined period/ quick filter. The Chatbot Sessions List include following columns:-

·       ESN – Signifies the Engine Serial Number of the Asset.

·       SMN – Signifies Service Model Name of the Asset.

·       Fault Code/ Symptom – Signifies the Fault Code/ Symptom involved in the Chatbot session.

·       Trigger Rule – Signifies the title of the trigger rule due to which this chatbot session occurred.

·       Intervention Count – Signifies the number of interventions completed/ total number of intervention for the particular Chatbot session.

·       Owner – Signifies the owner of the trigger rule due to which this chatbot session occurred.

·       Triggered By -

·       Triggered On – Signifies the date and time when the chatbot session was triggered.

·       Completed On – signifies the date and time when all the interventions and thus the chatbot session was completed.

·       Status - Signifies the state of the Chatbot session. The Status can be ‘Not Started’, ‘In Progress’ or ‘Completed’.

·       Action – This includes ‘View’ button. By clicking on this button, it will open the Chatbot session.

Infant Care Trigger Management

Infant Care Managers or Infant Care Administrator can create triggers for Chatbot. Chatbot will analyze the context inside Guidanz Evolution and whenever the context of a work order matches with a predefined trigger in Ask Clessie Management Interface application, the Chatbot intervenes and starts a Chatbot session.

Create Trigger

To create a new trigger, please follow below steps:-

       1.     Select tab Trigger Rules.

       2.     Click on the + Add rule button.


This will open a new window Trigger rule metadata to create trigger header.

       3.     Fill all the required details and click on the Save button

      This will create a header for the new trigger and will be shown as an additional row.

      4.     To add interventions, click on the Edit button under Action column.

     It will open the trigger.

    5.     Click on Add button. It will open the dropdown where you can select the type of intervention you want to add.

      6.     After selecting the type of intervention, it will open another window for that intervention type.

     7.     Fill all the details required to add the intervention, select the intervention mode and then click on Add button.

      8.     Add all the required interventions and then click on Save button at the very top of the screen.

Show Text Intervention

To add Show Text Intervention, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Click on the Edit button besides the trigger for which you want to add the Show Text Intervention.


It will open the Trigger window.

     2.     Click on Add button and then select the Show Text.


It will open a new window for Show Text intervention.

3.     Add all the require details and then click on Save button.

      Please note that the technician will only see the message written in the Message box. Intervention title will be shown in the trigger rule to the Infant Care Managers only.

Free Text Intervention

To add Free Text Intervention, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Click on the Edit button beside the trigger for which you want to add the Free Text Intervention.

It will open the Trigger window.

      2.     Click on Add button and then select the Free Text.

       It will open a new window for Free Text intervention.

      3.     Add all the require details and then click on Save button.

       Please note that the technician will only see the message written in the Instruction box. Intervention title will be shown in the trigger rule to the Infant Care Managers only.

Multiple Choice Intervention

To add Multiple Choice Intervention, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Click on the Edit button besides the trigger for which you want to add the Multiple Choice Intervention.


      It will open the Trigger window.

      2.     Click on Add button and then select the Multiple Choice.


It will open a new window for Multiple Choice intervention.

      3.     Fill Intervention Title and Instruction.

      4.     To add options, Click on + Option button and add all the options.

      5.     Select the intervention type and then Click on Save button.

       Please note that the technician will only see the message written in the Instruction box. Intervention title will be shown in the trigger rule to the Infant Care Managers only.

Notify Owner Intervention

To add Notify Owner Intervention, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Click on the Edit button beside the trigger for which you want to add the Notify Owner Intervention.   


It will open the Trigger window.

      2.     Click on Add button and then select the Notify Owner.


It will open a new window for Notify Owner intervention.

      3.     Add Intervention title and then click on Save button.


       This intervention will notify the owner through an email.

             a.     If you don’t want to pause the session, don’t click on the check mark Stop for confirmation from owner as shown in above image.

      b.     To pause the Chatbot session along with the notification, click on the check mark Stop for confirmation from owner as shown in the below image.
Please note that the technician won’t see any message for Notify owner intervention. Also, Intervention title will be shown in the trigger rule to the Infant Care Managers only.

Provide Attachment Intervention

To add Provide Attachment Intervention, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Click on the Edit button beside the trigger for which you want to add the Provide Attachment Intervention.


It will open the Trigger window.  

      2.     Click on Add button and then select the Provide Attachments.

      It will open a new window for Provide Attachment intervention.

      3.     Fill Intervention title and Instruction.

      4.     To add File type, click the drop down.

a.     For image attachments, select image.

b.     For video attachments, select video.

c.     For other attachments like .eif file, .csv or pdf files, select other.

      5.     Add number of attachments required.


       6.     Select the Intervention type and then click on Save button.


Please note that the technician will only see the message written in the Instruction box. Intervention title will be shown in the trigger rule to the Infant Care Managers only.

Reordering of the Interventions

You can change the order of the interventions in a particular trigger using drag and drop method. To reorder different interventions in a particular trigger, please follow below steps:-

        1.     Select the intervention which you want to reorder at the left.

        2.     Drag the intervention.

        3.     Drop the intervention wherever you want to place it.

Infant Care Intervention Mode

Ask Clessie Management Interface support 3 Intervention modes for Infant care: - Message, Detour and Roadblock


When the Chatbot intervenes a Guidanz user with the intervention mode ‘Message’, the Guidanz user gets alert message on the top of the Guidanz Evolution screen which remain there for 2-3 seconds. The alert count also goes up and the user can see those alert messages by clicking on the chatbot icon and the Guidanz Evolution remains accessible.


When the Chatbot intervenes a Guidanz user with the intervention mode ‘Detour’, the Guidanz user gets the chatbot pop-up. The Chatbot opens up if it is minimized. The message pop-up has yellow border, and it will show the message to the user. The Guidanz Evolution remains accessible. Here, the user is advised to respond to the shown message or instruction and perform the required tasks. 


When the Chatbot intervenes a Guidanz user with the intervention mode ‘Roadblock’, the Guidanz user gets the chatbot pop-up. The Chatbot opens up if it is minimized. The message pop-up has red border, and it will show the message to the user. Guidanz Evolution gets blocked. It is advisable for the user to respond to the shown message or instruction and perform the required tasks. Options will also be provided to the user if he wants to skip the task.

Edit Trigger

To edit an already created trigger, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Select tab Trigger Rules.

      2.     Select the trigger which you want to edit.

      3.     Click on the Edit button.

      This will open the trigger.

      4.     To edit the Header,

a.     Click on the edit button next to the Active label.

This will open a new window to edit the Header.

b.     Make all the necessary changes required and then click on the Save button.

      5.     Make the required changes in the interventions and then click on the Save button at the top of the screen. 

Delete Trigger

To delete a trigger, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Select tab Trigger Rules.

      2.     Select the trigger which you want to delete.

      3.     Click on the Delete button.

      4.     It will ask for your confirmation if you really want to delete the trigger.

      5.     Click on Delete button.



Infant Care Chatbot Session

Edit a Chatbot Session

Infant Care Managers can edit every Chatbot session as per their requirements and ask the Guidanz users for their response.

To open a Chatbot session, click on the view button on the Infant Care Sessions Dashboard.

Claim Ownership

If an Infant Care Manager is not owner of a particular trigger. Then he will not be owner of all the Chatbot sessions created by that particular trigger. But any Infant Care Manager can claim ownership for a Chatbot session, if required. To claim ownership for a Chatbot session, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Click on the view button to open a Chatbot session.


       This will open a new window for that Chatbot session.

       2.     Click on the Claim Ownership button at the top left of the screen.


Now you are the owner of the Chatbot session and you are allowed to edit the Chatbot session.

Restart Session

If an Infant care Manager is not satisfied with the technician’s answers and he want the technician to answer the interventions again. He can restart the session. It will keep saved all the older responses and will generate duplicate of all the earlier interventions with Upcoming Status so that the technician will receive the intervention through Chatbot and then they can add their responses again.

To restart a session, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Click on the view button to open a Chatbot session.


This will open a new window for that Chatbot session.

      2.     A Chatbot session which all the interventions have been completed and before restart session will look like this-

      3.     To restart session, click on the restart session button.

      4.     After restart session, every intervention will be duplicated with Upcoming intervention status. All the previous responses will also be stored.

Resume Session

The Chatbot session gets paused whenever the intervention ‘Notify Owner’ gets activated and the notification is sent to the owner(s) of that particular Chatbot session.

Although, please note that the Chatbot session gets paused only if the Stop for confirmation from Owner is checked while adding the intervention.

Once a Chatbot session gets paused to resume the session please follow below steps:-

      1.     Click on the view button to open a Chatbot session.


       This will open a new window for that Chatbot session.

       2.     Click on the Resume Session button.


       This will resume the session and the technician will receive the next upcoming intervention.

Manually Change the Status

An Infant Care Manager can also change the status of a Chatbot session manually. To change the status, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Click on the View button to open the Chatbot session.

      It will open a new window for the Chatbot session.

      2.     Delete all the upcoming interventions by clicking on the Remove button.


     3.     Click on the Save button.


     4.     After clicking the save button, the status of the Chatbot session will automatically change to Completed.


Show Events

The Show events button on the screen of Chatbot session can be used to see all the detailed events occurred for the Chatbot session.

Without Show events (unchecked), the Chatbot session screen will only show the Completed Interventions and the Upcoming Interventions as shown in the below image.


 With Show events Checked), the Chatbot session screen will show all the events that occurred apart from Completed Interventions and the Upcoming Interventions like Ownership Changed event, Restart Session event, Intervention updated event etc.

Add an Intervention

To add an intervention, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Click on the view button to open a Chatbot session.     


       This will open a new window for that Chatbot session.

       2.     Click on Add button besides Upcoming Intervention and select the intervention type which you want to add.

       3.     Fill all the required information for the selected intervention and then click on Add button.

 This intervention will be added as the last intervention. 

      4.     Click on Save button.

Delete an Intervention

To delete an upcoming intervention, please follow below steps:-

      1.     Click on the view button to open a Chatbot session.

  This will open a new window for that Chatbot session.

      2.     Click on – button for the intervention which you want to delete.

       This will simply delete that intervention.  

Add a Tag

To create a new tag for a particular Chatbot session, please follow below steps:-

        1.     Click on the dropdown

        It will open a search box where you can either search for an already created tag or type a new tag and then click on + button.

       2. The new tag will get added and then click on the Save button.


Export a Chatbot Session

To export a Chatbot Session, please follow below steps:-

       1.     Click on the view button to open a Chatbot session.


This will open a new window for that Chatbot session.

      2.     Click on the Export to PDF button.


This will export the Chatbot session in the form of PDF.

Share a Chatbot Session

An Infant Care Manager can also share a read only link of a particular chatbot session to anyone else in Cummins network who has or has not access to Ask Clessie Management Interface. To share a read only link, please follow below steps:-

1.     Click on the view button to open a Chatbot session.

This will open a new window for that Chatbot session.

       2.     Click on the Share as Read-only button.

      The link will get copied on the clipboard which you can share with anyone required.

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